What is my IP Address? Check your IP address Free

Find out your IP Address.

What is my IP Address? Check your IP address Free

Here you can get all the information you need to know about your IP address. 

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique number assigned to every device connected to a network.

It is used to identify and locate a device on the internet.

Knowing what your IP address is can be helpful in many situations, such as troubleshooting network problems or simply learning more about your own connection. The What is my IP Address tool will provide detailed information on how to check your IPv6 address for free.

How do I find my IP address?

Finding your IP address is a relatively easy task. 

Depending on the device you are using, you could use one of several methods. 

One of the easiest ways to find your IP address is to simply open the Command Prompt window on Windows, type in “ipconfig” and press enter. 

The results will include your IP address of your ISP as well as other information such as your default gateway and DNS server. On Mac OS X, open System Preferences, select Network and then click on Advanced and select TCP/IP. 

The information provided will show your IP address among other details. 

You can also just check your IP address that this page has delivered to you, and automatically you will have your IP address.

Can my IP address reveal my exact location?

Yes, an IP address can reveal your exact location.

This is because each device in the world has a unique IP address that identifies it to other devices and networks.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) assigns each device an IP address from a range of numbers in their registry.

By looking up the particular IP address assigned to your device, anyone can determine its geographic location. 

This is because the first few digits of the IP address denote the country, while the remaining digits identify where in that country it is located. 

Furthermore, some ISP also include information about its customers' location when they assign them an IP address, which makes it even easier to track down someone's exact location.

With VPN, virtual private networks, you are able to change your IP address, making possible for browsers and user agents to have a new IP address with a different IP location. 

Types of IP: IPv4 and IPv6

IP, or Internet Protocol, is the standard for sending and receiving data across the internet. 

There are two types of IP – IPv4 and IPv6. 

IPv4 address is the fourth version of Internet Protocol and was first introduced in 1981. 

It uses 32 bit addresses, allowing for a total of 4.3 billion unique addresses. 

However, due to the ever-increasing number of devices connected to the internet, this address space reserve is quickly running out.

To combat this issue, IPv6 was introduced in 1999 with 128-bit addresses which can accommodate a much larger number of devices compatible - almost 340 undecillion (340 followed by 36 zeros). 

Both versions are still used today and all modern network protocols support both IPv4 and IPv6. 

In order to ensure smooth transition between these two versions, most companies have implemented dual stack technology which enables them to use both versions simultaneously on their networks.

Difference between Private IP Address and Public IP Address

Private IP address and public IP address are two different types of IP addresses. 

Private IP addresses are used within a private network and is usually assigned to devices connected to the network such as computers, servers, tablets, smartphones, and other connected devices. 

These addresses are not publicly visible on the internet and are typically used for local router networking purposes such as sharing files or accessing the internet from within a home network or office.

On the other hand, public IP addresses are used for public communication over the internet.

It is visible to anyone on the internet, the websites that you visit and can be used by anyone to access information from your device or even hack into it. 

Public IP addresses are also assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to their customers so that they can connect online while private IP addresses cannot be traced back to any particular person.

The main difference between private and public IP address location is that private addresses allow secure communication within a specific network while public address allows anyone with an internet connection to access information on your device.