Free Unix Timestamp Converter

Convert to & from UNIX Timestamps.

Human Readable Time Seconds
1 minute 60 seconds
1 hour 3600 seconds
1 day 86400 seconds
1 week 604800 seconds
1 month (30.44 days) 2629743 seconds
1 year (365.24 days) 31556926 seconds

Free Unix Timestamp Converter

Find out here a Epoch and Unix Timestamp Converter to get timestamps to dates and time and viceversa.

The UNIX timestamp is the amount of seconds passed since Jan 1st, 1970 UTC.

We understand that converting between timestamps can be a difficult task. 

That's why we have developed this tool to help you quickly and easily convert between different timestamp formats.

With our free conversion tool, you can quickly convert timestamps from one format to another without any hassle. 

Moreover, our tool also allows you to calculate the difference between two timestamps or multiple ones in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months. 

So if you are looking for an easy way to convert your timestamps into other formats or calculate the difference between them then you've come to the right place! Give our Free Unix Timestamp Converter a try today and see what it can do for you!

What is timestamp number?

A timestamp number is a numerical representation of the date and time.

It is used to record when a certain event or transaction occurred, usually in milliseconds since the epoch (January 1st, 1970).

This type of numeric representation allows for easy comparison between two different times and events.

Furthermore, it allows for more efficient storage of data as only one value needs to be stored instead of multiple values such as month, day, hour, minute and second.

The timestamp number can also be used to calculate elapsed time between two dates and times by subtracting one from the other.

Additionally, timestamp numbers are often used in computer programming languages to simplify programming logic and generate unique keys for records.

By having an accurate timestamp number associated with each record it helps prevent accidental overwriting or editing of data.

How do I convert timestamp to time?

Converting a timestamp to time is a relatively simple process, but the exact steps depend on the type of timestamp you’re working with. 

For example, if you have an UNIX timestamp in seconds, you can convert it to a readable time format by multiplying the timestamp by 1000 and passing it to the Date() constructor. 

The resulting Date object will give you a human-readable representation of that timestamp. 

Just add you dates and the converter will do the work.

How to read a timestamp?

Reading a timestamp can be a simple process, but it’s important to know the format in order to understand the exact time. 

A timestamp is made up of four parts: year, month, day and time.

 To read a timestamp correctly, start by looking at the year which is typically listed first. 

Depending on the formatting, it may be listed as four digits or two digits. 

After identifying the year, look for the next number which should be the month. Most timestamps list the months numerically and include leading zeros if applicable (e.g., 01 for January and 12 for December). 

Next, look at the day and make sure it follows in numerical order after the month (e.g., if a timestamp reads 2019-01-02 then January 2nd is implied). 

Lastly, look at what follows after the day and this should represent an hour and minutes; sometimes seconds are included as well (e.g., 10:30pm would be 22:30). Once all these components have been identified separately and put together as one string of information then you have successfully read a timestamp!

What is Unix Epoch Time?

Unix Epoch Time is a system for keeping track of time.

It records the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

This system of tracking time is widely used in computer systems and software applications and is based on the Gregorian calendar. 

Unix epoch time is very useful when it comes to programming because it helps ensure that all systems are running on the same clock and can easily convert between other date and time formats. 

Additionally, it facilitates date calculations between two different points in time by simply subtracting one point from another. 

This makes Unix Epoch Time highly valuable for software developers who often need to manage multiple dates and times for their projects.